
My name is Stacie Mountain.

I am a Master Certified Professional Life Coach & Health Coach, as well as a Certified Behavior Change Specialist.

I help people recover from burnout - physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually - and optimize their health. I help people overcome compulsive & unwanted behaviors that keep them from being the person they want to be. I help people build resilience, so they can thrive regardless of external circumstances. I help people challenge their limiting beliefs & the status quo…

…and I walk beside them as they step fully into their life’s purpose.

  • Is the life you’re living the life a life that love? Or is it a life that leaves you feeling unsatisfied, resentful & burnt out? If you know there’s gotta be more… let’s chat.

  • Let me help you feel your best physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. Then, you will be able to step into your life’s purpose, fully. I’ll walk beside you to help you build a life you’re proud of… a life that fulfills you.

  • Embody new behaviors fully. Gain the confidence you need to stand firmly in your purpose & to trust your inner-knowing... no matter what life throws your way.


Your new life is going to cost you your old one.

Throughout our lives, we are conditioned to believe there are many “shoulds”…

  • We “should” earn a certain amount of money/have a certain degree or title to be successful.

  • We “should” have the perfect marriage, 2.5 kids, a dog & the picket fence for our lives to be complete.

  • We “should” act this way or else we’re “bad” people.

  • We “should” do this because it’s the way it’s always been done.

  • We “should” look a certain way or else it means we’re inadequate and undeserving of love & acceptance.

The list goes on and on. These messages are insidious. We receive them from our caregivers growing up, from the media, from social media, from institutions, from our inner circles…

These beliefs leave us feeling resentful and discontent with ourselves & our lives in general, and they cause us to burnout… because they are impossible standards to meet. But, I’ll tell you a secret…

They are all bullshit.

Freedom is when we let go of false expectations of others (and ourselves) of how we “should” be, and we step into who we truly are. Peace comes from blocking out the noise of the “shoulds” of the world, and being present in what is. Joy comes from creating a life that we love, instead of living one out of obligation. Fulfillment comes from stepping into our purpose, fully, instead of playing small.

If you want to fly, you’ve got to let go of everything that’s weighing you down…

If you’re ready to step into your true potential & start living a life that you truly love…. I’m here to help you do just that.

You ready? Let’s do this…

As your coach, I will walk beside you and help you cultivate a life that fulfills you instead of one that leaves you burnt out & discontent. Unlike a consultant or mentor, I will not tell you what to do… instead, I help you uncover what you truly desire. I use questions, as well as somatic techniques, to help you tap into your true potential.

You lack nothing… I can help you uncover all of that untapped potential that’s just waiting to be released. It’s not about finding your purpose… it’s about uncovering it within. One client described working with me as “guided self-discovery”, which I think sums up what I do nicely… all of the answers are within you, but sometimes it takes questions from outside of us to find them.

Do you know what you want your life to look like? Or what goal you’d like to achieve? But, you just don’t know how to make it happen… Great! I can help you reverse-engineer the steps you need to take to get to your goal.

Are you completely clueless as to what you want, or what would give you fulfillment? No problem! I can help you get to the core of your soul’s desire for your life.

We all have an inner knowing of what is right for us, but most of us spend so much time in our heads over-analyzing what we “should” do based on the exterior messages we receive, that we never tap into what’s truly meant for us.


When you learn to let go of the noise of the world and turn towards what’s meant for you, you suddenly find yourself moving forward in life with more ease. You finally start accomplishing things you once thought were impossible for you. You finally start living in your power & finding fulfillment in everyday things. You shed the layers of the armor you’ve built to protect yourself from failing, and you learn to trust yourself in your success. You embrace who you were meant to be because you realize it’s always been within you.

I know this because I am living proof of this transformation.

I will not only support you, but I will help gain confidence as you become the joyful, powerful being you are. Your soul did not come here to suffer or merely survive… your soul came here to thrive! You get one shot at this lifetime, don’t live it pursuing someone else’s idea of what it should be. Live it fully & intentionally, every day… because how we spend our days, is how we spend our lives.