Clean & Serene

Today I am celebrating my 2 year anniversary of a life of sobriety. šŸ™‚ (September 18, 2018)

When I first quit drinking I had no idea it would be a forever decision. I initially quit because of health concerns. The last time I drank alcohol I had a major reaction to itā€¦ I woke up the next morning swollen to the point that my eyes were almost swollen shut, my abdomen looked like I was 5 months pregnant, and every joint and muscle in my body hurtā€¦ I felt like I had been hit by a truck, and the pain lasted almost a week. I decided I should stay away from alcohol for a while, and let my body recover from whatever was happening to it. Giving up alcohol for extended periods of time really wasnā€™t a big feat for me, after all, for every competition prep I would go 4 months without drinking, no problem. The difference with this time though was I didnā€™t fill the void of drinking with another activity, such as exerciseā€¦ I actually had to sit in my sobriety for the first time in my life.

After a couple of months of not drinking, I noticed I was a better mother to my daughter. I was more patientā€¦ more present. I truly enjoyed my time with her more. I have always loved my daughter more than I could put into words, so I hate to admit this publicly, but there were times I resented being a mom. The pressure and the responsibility felt overwhelming at times, and having a glass or two of wine was an outlet of stress for me. I was never a daily drinker. I would mostly drink on weekends when she was at her dadā€™s, or maybe a glass or two of wine on the weekends she was home. What I found was the longer I was sober the less I resented my responsibilities, and I actually found a level of joy in being a mother that I had never experienced beforeā€¦ I could feel my whole biochemistry had changed. I had no idea something I did Friday & Saturday night could affect me the following Wednesday, but it absolutely did. So, I decided to stay sober for her, because she deserved this mom in her life.

I had decided I was going to not drink for an entire year, and then I would re-evaluate and decide from there whether alcohol would be a part of my life. So, I told 2 of the closest friends of my intentions, but otherwise, I kept my sobriety to myself. I was afraid of being judgedā€¦ judged as a fitness professional. Judged by others that I was ā€œobsessedā€ with my body. Judged that I wasnā€™t any fun. I had always preached about balance in lifeā€¦ so I used drinking as a way to ā€œproveā€ that I was just like everyone else. What I came to realize is I was sabotaging myself, and what I truly desired, to keep up the facade of being ā€œnormalā€ā€¦ because what wanted in life wasnā€™t the status quoā€¦ I wanted more.

I was afraid my friends wouldnā€™t want to invite me out for social events anymore, as every social event revolved around boozeā€¦and it did happen. I had friends stop hanging around me because they said they didnā€™t want to make me uncomfortable because they drankā€¦ which is B.S. The reality is those friends donā€™t value me and my friends as much as I value themā€¦ that hurts. A lot. But, now I value myself enough to do whatā€™s best for me, instead of doing things simply to be accepted by others. Once I stopped worrying about what others thought of me and my decision, I felt free to do what feels right for me. It doesnā€™t bother me to be around people when they are drinking. I still go to bars and to partiesā€¦ I simply donā€™t drink myself, and I donā€™t judge others who do. Now I have friends in my life who truly value my friendship. They may drink while weā€™re together, but they accept me (and my water šŸ˜‰ lol) and we have a great time together. Iā€™m not expected to do something I donā€™t have the desire to do just to fit inā€¦ and it is awesome. šŸ™‚

Iā€™m not going to lieā€¦ giving up drinking was hard. I went through a period of grieving that former life. I experienced all of the emotions of loss ā€“ denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. I had to learn new ways of approaching life. I had to learn new coping mechanisms, new social skills, new habits. It took a long time for me to get here ā€“ happy in my sobriety. My drinking was never shady or anything like thatā€¦ I was never drinking out of a brown paper bag in the gutter ā€“ no, I was enjoying cocktails by the pool, or expensive wine at Ruthā€™s Chrisā€¦ and Iā€™ll be honest ā€“ I f*cking love drinking. I love everything about it ā€“ the way it tastes with my steak, the way it makes me feel in the moment, the courage it gives me to be a socialiteā€¦. one of my favorite things to do is sit outside under the stars and share a bottle of wine with someone as we engage in deep conversation, BUT Iā€™ve learned from experience that those momentary times of pleasure inhibit me from having the overall joyful life I want.

The life I want is full of health and happinessā€¦ and the person I want to be is productive, purposeful, driven, and successful in life and love. Experience has taught me that I am simply not that person when I include alcohol into my lifeā€¦ even just a little bit. Admittedly itā€™s been a lonely road at times, as when you change directions in life you often travel solo for a little bit, but eventually,over breakups I found my path. What Iā€™ve learned from every pivotal moment in my life is ā€“ real life begins outside your comfort zone ā€“ and I will say that getting sober was definitely a pivotal moment. I still have fun, but just in a different way nowā€¦ and with people who love all of me ā€“ the messy & the clean. Even though it was hard giving up alcohol as it was my liquid courage in social events, and a way to ā€œcalm downā€ at the end of a hard day or week. But, as Brene Brown saysā€¦ if you numb the bad stuff you also numb the joy ā€“ numb is numb. My experience the past 2 years has proven that to be absolutely true. Iā€™ve experienced tremendous hurts such as break ups of romantic relationships as well as friendships, but Iā€™ve also experienced some of the greatest joys of my life ā€“ and itā€™s not the ā€œbig thingsā€ that bring me joy now ā€“ itā€™s the little, everyday joys that I notice now that have a compound effect into an overall joyful life.

Will I ever drink again? My answer is ā€œnoā€, but I also know I am humanā€¦ and I know from experience the moment where I think Iā€™ve

This is what 730 days without a hangover looks like. šŸ™‚

This is what 730 days without a hangover looks like. šŸ™‚

successfully mastered something and I get really cocky about it, is usually when I f*ck things up again. lolā€¦ So, for today, I am living with intention of living a sober lifeā€¦. and thatā€™s all I need to worry about. I donā€™t need to stress about the future, or ā€œwhat ifā€, or anything else. I know that as long as I donā€™t pick up a drink TODAY, then Iā€™m on the ath of where I want my life to lead.

It took a long time, but I eventually I got to a place where I loved myself enough to want this life of sobriety for me, not just my daughter. Valuing myself enough to stand firm in whatā€™s right for me was a game-changerā€¦ it took me from a place of feeling like I was missing out on something that I loved, to a place where I felt like I was giving myself a gift by avoiding the thing that hurts me. It took me from using sheer willpower avoiding alcohol to becoming a truly sober personā€¦ and even though I still have all of the stressors from before, life is peaceful, happy, and thriving. For that, I am so grateful.

I know God has big plans for me, and I know He wants me present and aware to fulfill themā€¦ I canā€™t wait to see what my future holds. Hereā€™s to the many happy, healthy, fulfilling, and sober years to come!



#health #motherhood #sober #mom #happy #healthy #stress #cleanandserene #thrive #alcohol


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