Love is a choice. Like is a feeling.

Love is a choice. Like is a feeling.

How someone makes us feel is largely based on their actions. If someone respects us & treats us well, we’ll likely like to be in their company… but, if they disrespect us & don’t treat us well, we won’t.

It’s completely normal & acceptable to not like someone when they don’t treat us how we want to be treated. This includes family, friends & even ourselves. (because at times we don’t treat ourselves well either)

But, love is not earned. Love is given freely, regardless of actions of others… because love IS an action.

Love is treating someone with kindness & respect. Love is acknowledging someone’s existence & experience, even if we don’t understand it. Love is not setting unrealistic standards of perfection. Love is patience with their humanness. Love is allowing someone to be their pure, authentic self without the threat of losing love. Love is acceptance as they are, without a belief they should be anything different.

Anything that has stipulations is not love… it’s manipulation.

Love does not require like. Love is a choice to treat the other (or ourselves) with kindness, regardless if we like them that day.

Love doesn’t require contact… we are not required to stay in a situation where there is disrespect, abuse, manipulation or where we are not accepted for our pure, authentic selves either. It is 100% possible to love someone from afar… sometimes it’s the only kind way to do so.

Don’t withhold love… from others or yourself. The action of love feels good, and over time, it can even lead to the feelings of like.

Don’t feel guilty if you don’t like… your feelings are valid, whatever they may be.

Giving love, regardless of like, sets your heart free to receive love in return. Set boundaries like a motherf*cker, but let love flow freely. You deserve it. 💖


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