7 Years Sober

7 Years Sober

That’s 2,556 days I decided not to pick up a drink.

It’s 61,344 hours of handling the bad & the good with a clear mind.

And 3,680,600+ minutes of a life fully lived.

Sobriety is beautiful & messy.
It’s simple, but not easy.
It’s dark & it’s light.

Alcohol was never my problem…

Dysfunctional coping mechanisms were my problem.
Trauma & pain were my problem.
Ego & pride was my problem.

My relationship with alcohol was the symptom of these problems.

7 years ago I made a choice…

I chose my health.
I chose to be a better mom.
I chose to stop escaping.
I chose to stop hating & hurting myself…

And after a while, I learned to love myself enough to choose a life of sobriety…

For me.

Today, I choose to cherish this one wild & precious life…

I choose gratitude.

To those struggling…

I see you. I empathize. I understand…

Your struggles may not be your fault, BUT they are your responsibility to overcome.

Today I celebrate something I never knew I wanted (or knew I needed). I never intended to stop drinking alcohol…

But, I’m so glad I did. :)

#7yearssober #12steps #friendofbillw #healthy #happy #thriving #sobriety


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