Compounded efforts make a huge impact - OVER TIME.
“Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, but underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.”
I’ve heard Tony Robbins say this, but the internet attributes it to Bill Gates…
Whoever said it… they’re right.
Compounded efforts make a huge impact - OVER TIME.
In the beginning, it’s not much change. So, most people give up before they see results. The book “The Compound Effect” gives the following example…
3 men who are each 150 pounds overweight do the following…
1 cuts his Calories by 150 per day
1 maintains his Calories
1 increases his Calories by 150 per day
Now, 150 Calories is equivalent to one SMALL snack OR 1 CAN of soda.
After 1 month…
Man 1 has lost 1.2 pounds
Man 2 maintains his weight
Man 3 has gained 1.2 pounds
Big deal, right?
Well, after a year…
Man 1 has lost 15.6 pounds
Man 2 maintains
Man 3 has gained 15.6 pounds
Take that x 10 years…
Man 1 has lost 156 pounds
Man 2 remained the same
Man 3 has gained an additional 156 pounds 😳
Simply from changing that 1 daily habit.
The small, daily choices we make have a huge impact on our lives.
The big decisions like where we live, who we marry, what career we choose, etc. are the ship we choose to sail in, but it’s the small micro decisions everyday that determine the direction of the ship.
You are the navigator of your life… yes, sometimes it’s necessary to jump from a sinking ship, but sometimes all you need to do is simply turn the wheel.
Sail on, friends… with intention. 🚢