If I had a dollar for every time I heard “I’m going to do (fill in the blank healthy eating goal)”… I‘d be a very rich person.
The reason why is because this declaration is immediately followed by “Oh, wait, I have a work function on Thursday, then I’m traveling next week, then I have a social function the following week… So, I guess I’ll do it next month. Next month will be better”
Then guess what happens…
Next month isn’t better.
Waiting to be able to do something perfectly will keep you stuck. Procrastination is simply perfectionism in disguise.
If you want to make progress in any area of your life, you have to take action. It’s as simple as that.
You want to follow the Whole 30 diet? (I’m simply using this diet example, because it’s a frequent one I hear when people are trying to jumpstart their health)
Great. Follow it for every meal that you can, and simply make the best decision possible on the meals that you can’t follow it exactly.
Will you get as drastic results if you were to follow it perfectly? No, but you’ll still get results…
And there’s nothing that says you have to stop at 30 days… nor should you. Whatever you do to get healthy/lose weight is what you will need to do to maintain it.
I would rather my clients make “better” decisions consistently, than “perfect” decisions occasionally.
Do I eat perfectly? No, but I do eat healthy consistently… which is how I improved my health & stay healthy.
Make the next decision the best decision for that moment… even if it’s not perfect.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
That’s how you make progress.