How Terrifyingly Beautiful

I’ve spent a decade optimizing my health - physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health. After a time, I realized through my healing/self-evolution journey that my relational health needed work too… as relational health is a part of overall health. So, I dedicated a lot of time & energy to seeking experts in this field, and applying what I’ve learned to my relationships…


Relationships, of every kind, are full of conflict… because we’re humans viewing the world from different lenses based on our different life experiences.

For many years I believed I was being “the bigger person” & creating internal peace by avoiding the conflict, and “giving space” in relationships… I’ve realized that I wasn’t actually being the bigger person, I wasn’t actually at peace… I was just avoiding (fleeing) what felt scary to me.

It’s VERY difficult for me, but I’m intentionally trying to break this pattern.

Instead of avoiding the hard conversations, I’m instead staying put, and working on finding my peace in the conflict… regardless of what’s happening on the other end of the conversation. It’s a practice, and I by no means do it perfectly, but hopefully, with more opportunities, I’ll build that “muscle memory” to stay even when it’s hard…

My hope from this practice is to build a deeper connection with myself… a deeper trust in God to protect my heart as I lean into vulnerability… and the ability to love others more, forgive easier, and to show up to this life, fully.

How terrifyingly beautiful. 💖

No one lays on their deathbed reminiscing about their 6 pack abs, or regretting that they didn’t even have 6 pack abs…

No, they remember all of the love they’ve felt throughout their lifetime, and the only regrets they have are the times when they were too afraid to take the risk of connection… too scared to show up to this life, fully.

I intend to die with memories… not regrets.

How about you?


The Prize Is The Process


Tools In The Toolbox