The Prize Is The Process

Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved.

I used to live for “someday”.

“I’ll be happy when…” was a recurring thought.

“I’ll be happy when I lose 10 pounds.”

“I’ll be happy when I make X dollars.”

“I’ll be happy when I find a partner.”

“I’ll be happy when I no longer have to deal with XYZ.”

“I‘ll be happy when I achieve…”

You name it. I was chasing that figurative ‘happiness’ carrot, constantly. 🥕

What I realized is I never caught it… even when I hit the marker I had placed in front of me. I’d get there & suddenly it wasn’t enough… so I’d move the finish line forward a little more…

Nope. That wasn’t it either.

Then I realized that happiness isn’t a destination… it’s a decision.

It was my choice to be happy or not, regardless of my circumstances. What I found was I can still strive for more, while simultaneously being happy in the now. What happened with this shift was what you’d expect…


But, it also gave me stamina to do more. I wasn’t constantly weary from the work. I was fulfilled & from that place I could pursue more fulfillment…

Looking back, I’ve achieved more than I ever thought was possible for me when I was living for “someday”… but, it’s not my achievements that’s made life better… it’s the person I became in the process.

It’s not the ‘trophy’ that changes you… it’s the work you do to become the person deserving of that trophy that changes you.

The prize IS the process. 🏆

✨Claim it.✨

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Boundaries aren’t barriers to keep people out… they’re guideposts to let people in


How Terrifyingly Beautiful