The Problem You’re Focused On Isn’t The Actual Problem

The problem that you’re focused on isn’t the problem…

Money isn’t the problem… neither are the bills.

Your boss isn’t the problem… neither is your spouse/friend/partner/kid/etc.

Your weight isn’t the problem… neither is your body.

Whatever it is that you’re stressing & obsessing about…

It’s NOT the problem.

Rumination is a way for us to avoid internal work… We focus our attention on people & things outside of ourselves… We try to control or manipulate them to be what we think they should be… We think “If I can just ‘fix’ this/them, then I will feel at peace.”

None of that is true though.

Internal peace is an inside job. There is nothing & no one outside of ourselves that can give us peace… because if we outsource our peace, it can be taken away, which creates powerlessness within us… which continues the cycle of uneasiness.

There is no amount of money that will magically make someone feel secure if someone has a scarcity mindset around money… feeling financially secure is about trusting that no matter what happens, our needs will be met.

There is no amount of external validation that can make someone feel confident, safe & secure if their core beliefs are they are broken, unworthy, unlovable & unwanted… which makes them feel unfixable, isolated & alone in this world.

There is no amount of education or status that can make someone feel competent or a success if their core belief is they are a failure.

There is no body shape or size that can make a person feel safe in their body, happy about themselves, and love themselves if their core belief is their value is tied to how they look & they are only worthy of love if they look “perfect”… because they will never see perfect in the mirror, and even if they did, the fear of not being able to maintain it would prevent them from experiencing any happiness about it. (I know, because I’ve done this)

Contentment, peace, and joy is an inside job.

Spending time & energy trying to control & manipulate all of these things is futile… 1) because it’s impossible and 2) because even if the external circumstances change, if your internal environment is a mess, all you will feel is a mess…

To feel at peace, identify your need underneath the obsession by asking yourself:

What is the feeling I believe I will have if I were to get this thing?

Then choose to feel that way now. By changing your energy, you’ll not only feel at peace, but you’ll be more likely to attract different opportunities that could potentially change the “problem”

Where your energy flows is what will flourish in your life… so, focus on the solution (i.e. feeling at peace) instead of the problem.

Worrying doesn’t change the outcome… it only robs your peace from today. So, choose peace & stay in the present - because the present is all that matters.




Their Urgency Is Not Your Emergency


Control Does NOT = Power