“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne Gretzky” -Michael Scott
“You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take- Wayne Gretzky” -Michael Scott (IYKYK😉😂)
I was talking to someone the other day, and they were telling me they were stressed because they were debating on whether to go for an opportunity or not.
I asked what was stopping them…
They said “I’m afraid I won’t get it.”
My response…
“Well, if you don’t try, you definitely won’t get it.”
Fear of rejection keeps us small… it keeps us stuck.
The fear of rejection, the fear of failure, or anything else, really, when broken down to the base fear is… the fear that we are unlovable as we are.
What makes rejection feel bad is when we attach the narrative “I was rejected because I’m not enough” We attach our worth to something.
In reality, rejection is simply misalignment. Anything that is meant for you will be aligned with you… whether it’s a job, relationship, or anything else… when misalignment (rejection) happens, be thankful that you’re not trying to force something that wasn’t meant for you…
So go for it!
So what if it doesn’t work out? At least you know you tried, but if you don’t even try, you’ll always wonder “What if…”
I know it’s cliché, but it’s true…
If one door closes, another one opens…
But, if you never even try to open the freaking door, you are destined to stay put.
We should never regret trying, even if we feel foolish… It’s f*cking brave to go for it! (whatever IT is) Even if it doesn’t work out the way you plan… BE PROUD OF YOURSELF FOR SHOWING UP. You are a badass!
Learning to embrace rejection has been instrumental in my growth. Today, when I’m rejected, I know that it wasn’t the right opportunity for me, and I trust that the right opportunity will present itself when I’m ready for it.
Rejection is just redirection…
Living this epic adventure we call life, fully, requires us to step into the unknown. No one is going to show up at your door & hand you what your heart desires…💖
Everything you want is on the other side of your fear… you just have to be brave enough to walk through it.