You’re Never Starting Over
Very often when we are trying to make changes in our lives, we find ourselves starting & stopping new habits over & over.
Whether it’s healthy eating, improving financial decisions, or changing the way we show up in relationships…
We may find ourselves nailing it for a while, implementing the new behaviors, but then something happens and we fall off course. We may even backtrack in our progress…
It’s really easy in these situations to think “Great. I’m starting over AGAIN.” …and then beat ourselves up for where we are vs where we were…
But, the reality is, we are never starting over… we’re always starting anew.
Every experience we have in life changes us. It molds us into who we are today. We learn from everything, even if we don’t realize it.
Even when we backtrack on progress in some area of our lives, we’re not starting from the beginning, because we have the knowledge & experience we already ascertained from our previous attempts. With this knowledge & experience, we can move forward quicker & more confidently…
When we’re truly doing something from the beginning (new), we’re unsure if we’re even capable of doing it. We have to look for evidence from other people that it could possibly be done… and then we slowly start moving forward, gaining confidence with each step.
When we’re doing something we’ve already done, even if we didn’t stick with it, we are able to walk that path more quickly & confidently… at least until the place where we went off track before… THAT is where the new starting point is. That is the point where we will have to fight the negative voice in our head that says: “This is where you ‘failed’ before - give up now.” …and instead, look at this point as a brand new adventure…
Leveling up is WAAAAAAAYYYYY harder than beginning, because we’re going somewhere we haven’t been before, which requires a version of us that hasn’t presented itself before…
But, just because that version of you hasn’t revealed itself in the past, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist…
It just means you need to uncover it.
I’ve found in my journey of different successes, it’s not so much building a “better” version of me, it’s more about peeling back the layers of bullshit stories inherited, and bullshit excuses I’ve created because of those stories, that consumed me in an attempt to keep me “safe”… but, in reality, they kept me trapped.
Wherever you are on your journey, know that you’re never starting over… you’re always starting anew… not as a new & improved version of you, but as a wiser & empowered version of you. You wouldn’t have been ready for where you are now without the strength & skills you’ve acquired on the way, and the same is true for when you level up.
We never step into the same river twice. Take a moment to appreciate where you are, as you step forward… because this moment is all that there is.