A Fish Doesn’t Know It’s In Water

A fish doesn’t know it’s in water.

We are the same. We don’t realize the impact our environment has on us, or how it affects the way we move through life. We make decisions (often at a young age) to enter an environment because it feels familiar.

It’s why people stay in dysfunctional/abusive relationships, or toxics jobs, or institutions (like religion) that promote ideas that are degrading, controlling & manipulative… it’s what they’ve always known, so it seems normal.

We usually don’t realize how dysfunctional or bad a situation is until we’re out of it completely… only then can we look back and say “Holy sh*t. Why did I put up with that?”

But, very often, while we’re still in it, something will come into our radar, and give us a little alert that something isn’t right…

That’s our intuition. (what I believe is God/a Higher Power within us)

That inner-knowing is never wrong. If something appears on your radar as “off”, pause & listen…

When we get quiet, and get into our bodies, we suddenly have an awareness that we just can’t feel if we’re constantly occupying our time with the distractions of life… or only focusing on our thoughts. (This is why I do yoga & meditate… it allows we to tune into my body & this inner-knowing, and to make decisions that are aligned with my highest Self) Only then can we know if something is right for us or not…

If you find you’re living in a way that isn’t in alignment with who you were designed to be…

Let it go.

Be humble enough to course correct. There is no shame in changing course, but continuing to live out of alignment causes us to react in ways we’re not proud of… we become resentful & discontent. Then we do things we regret. That’s when shame consumes us, because we know we aren’t being the person we’re meant to be…

It takes an incredible amount of courage to change directions. Be brave enough to do the scary thing… whether it’s leaving the toxic job, or relationship, or isolation, or behaviors (such as drinking), or anything else that you know deep down isn’t serving you anymore…

You can completely change your life with one decision… but, you have to continue to make that decision over & over & over to actually see the changes in your life.




Happiness Isn’t A Destination


The Wisdom Within