Happiness Isn’t A Destination

Happiness will never be where you are if you don’t appreciate what you have.

Hypothetical question:

If you were given $1,000,000 would you be happy? You didn’t have to work for this money… you didn’t have to struggle… you didn’t have to sacrifice anything… you were just given a million dollars. Period. Would you be happy?

I think it’s pretty safe to say that most people would say “yes”.

Now, what if you had to pay 1/2 of that million dollars in taxes… you still get to pocket $500,000, but you have to pay $500,000 to the IRS. Would you still be happy?

What about 75% in taxes?

What about 90% in taxes?

This is where we, as humans, cause our own suffering…

There are people in this world that only focus on what they don’t have, and not surprisingly… they’re unhappy the majority of the time. In this scenario they would only focus on what they had to pay, and they would completely disregard what they were allowed to keep.

Then there are people who focus on what they DO have, regardless of how small or insignificant it may seem to others, and they’re happy…

The reality is, even if you had to pay 90% in taxes….

You’d still walk away with a $100,000 windfall.

If someone walked up to you and gave you $100,000 outright, you’d be happy… you wouldn’t say “That a-hole should’ve given me a million dollars!” (I mean at least I hope you wouldn’t say that 😉 lol)

Happiness comes from what you choose to focus on.

No, we shouldn’t engage in toxic positivity & gaslight ourselves out of feeling the pain of life, but very often we cause our own pain because we can’t see the blessings that have been given to us…

When you’re feeling cheated, or you’re feeling like you’re missing something in life, I encourage you to look for the good… the glimmers.✨

Happiness isn’t a destination- it’s a decision we make, everyday.




The Victim Triangle


A Fish Doesn’t Know It’s In Water