✨Confidence isn’t a personality trait… it is a skill.
✨Confidence comes from taking action… not from thinking about taking action.
✨Confidence is built by keeping promises to yourself… because you learn to trust yourself.
✨Confidence isn’t arrogance… arrogance is external, while confidence is internal.
✨Confidence isn’t loud… it’s that quiet voice that whispers “You’ve got this.”
✨Confidence doesn’t develop from the outcome… it comes from choosing to do the scary thing.
✨Confidence isn’t about being perfect… it’s about being brave enough to show up imperfectly.
✨Confidence is like a muscle… it gets stronger every time you choose to do the hard thing. 💪🏻
In my experience, the “thing” is never as scary as the anticipation I create in my head. Even when it doesn’t go as planned, I survive… and, if I’m lucky, I learn a lesson along the way.
Being brave doesn’t mean you don’t feel fear… it means even though you’re afraid, you’re not going to let fear stop you from showing up.
✨Confidence is yours for the taking… you just have to do the work to cultivate it.✨
You got this. 👊🏻