Your Perception Of Me Is A Reflection Of You

Your perception of me is a reflection of you.

Recognition only happens when you’ve seen something before. If something is completely new to you (and your consciousness), you have to learn what it is, and then the next time you see it, your brain will search its database of past experiences so you recognize it as something familiar.

We are only able to recognize traits in others that we possess ourselves…

If you see a negative trait in someone else, like selfishness, for example… it’s only because your subconscious recognizes your own selfishness.

The same is true for positive traits…

What you admire in someone is something you already possess.

If you see bravery in someone, it’s because of your innate bravery.

If you see kindness in someone, it’s because of your own kindness.

If you see creativity in someone, it’s because of the creativity in you.

If you see joy in someone, it’s because of the joy that resides in you.

There is nothing that separates us from anyone else… we are spiritual beings living this human experience, together. We’ve all been given the same attributes, it’s up to us to use them fully.

When looking to others for inspiration, look within too… if you can spot it… you got it. 😉 So, own it. You are powerful beyond belief. ✨

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