A lot of what I do as a coach is I give my clients permission…

Permission to relax.

Permission to say “yes”.

Permission to say “no”.

Permission to stand up for themselves.

Permission to have fun.

Permission to use their voice.

Permission to feel joy & happiness.

Permission to feel anger & sadness.

Permission to be a leader.

Permission to not know all of the answers.

Permission to forgive themselves.

Permission to be human.

The list could go on and on, but the point is…

When we are stuck, in anyway, it’s us who is keeping us there… nobody else.

We create the barriers in our minds.

We create the excuses as to why we can’t do something.

We’re the ones spending our time & energy beating ourselves up for where we are, instead of using that energy to move forward.

We’re the ones who justify our inaction.

No one else has authority over our life, and the sooner we take ownership of that, the sooner we start making progress…

Whether it’s with our health, our career, our relationships, our finances, our sense of freedom, our happiness, or anything else…

Yes, there are circumstances outside of our control that can make these things more difficult to achieve, but the outside circumstances aren't what keeps us stuck…

It’s our perception of the outside circumstances that keeps us stuck.

As Marie Forleo says “Everything is figureoutable.”

Whatever you perceive to be stopping you, can be overcome… you just have to figure out how. If you need someone to help you, hire a coach. Coaching is what’s helped me move forward when I’m spinning my wheels & just don’t see how to get unstuck…

There is nothing I give my clients they don’t already have within, but sometimes we need someone on the outside to help us see more clearly within.

You have permission to be who you were designed to be.

You have permission to be happy.

You have permission to live your life fully.

You have permission to feel your wholeness…

✨You are more powerful than you believe. Give yourself permission to own it.✨

#boundaries #12steps #lifecoach #purpose #healthcoach #success #happy #recovery #habits #healing #healthy #thriving #relationships #fulfillment #behaviorchange #goals #mindset #authenticity #permission


“When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don’t get to decide that you didn’t.” - Louis C.K.


Your Perception Of Me Is A Reflection Of You