Every Time I Think I Have Everything Figured Out, The Universe Shows Me Otherwise…

Every time I think I have everything figured out, the Universe shows me otherwise…

It seems like any time I make a grandiose plan of how my foreseeable future is going to play out step-by-step, the Universe intervenes & shows me what I actually need to do instead…

To relinquish control to step fully into my power.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am a goal setter & a goal achiever… anything I set my mind to happens, eventually… but how those goals are actually achieved is rarely how I meticulously planned.

I have come to accept I am the co-creator of my life: me + the Divine.

God/Source/Universe/Higher Power… whatever you call it, will nudge me to make a change. I‘ll feel it, within me - something needs to shift. But, feeling it’s time to change & actually making changes are 2 different things… action is required.

So, I begin to make choices about which actions to take… I have found 2 different phenomena happen… sometimes those decisions lead to ease, and sometimes they lead to dead ends.

The difference between these decisions & whether I find ease or dead ends has nothing to do with the size of the decision, but everything to do with the energy from which I make the decision…

Fear or Faith.

Fear-based decisions are like me using a paper map for a long road trip. I meticulously plan every road I’m going to take from where I am to where I want to go. I think It may seem efficient to plan out every turn, every pit stop, and every mile of my route ahead of time, but when the time comes to start moving forward, I run into unexpected situations… like current traffic considerations or roadblocks not shown on the map… and that’s only if I’m lucky enough to get out of the analysis-paralysis of planning the perfect route. I think I know my exact timeline of when I should arrive at my goal, but with the paper map, I have to keep pulling over to ensure I’m still on track, and if I realize I missed a turn, I have to take the time to plan out a whole new route. Plus, during the trip, I’m so concerned with focusing on the map that I don’t even notice the beautiful scenery along the way.

Faith-based decisions are like using a GPS. I’m only given one turn at a time, and I only need to focus on the action to take that one turn. I can’t see the entire route, but as long as I pay attention to the commands I’m Divinely given, I’m going to get to my destination… and I’m going to get there a lot faster than the perfectly planned out map because the GPS identifies the most efficient route based on traffic conditions & roadblocks. Even if I miss a turn, it immediately reroutes me… I don’t lose much time. Using a GPS I can look out the windows & fully appreciate the entire experience… instead of just the destination.

What I’ve found in my personal goal achievement is that the destination usually isn’t as spectacular as I thought it would be - I thought it was a trophy, a number on the scale, a number in my bank account, etc - that would give me the satisfaction. But, no, it’s the journey towards those things that changes me & provides me with memories… it gives me experiences I never could’ve had if I had stayed in one place… it leads me to people who show me things I would’ve missed if I had been traveling solo.

I still make fear-based decisions from time to time that leads to frustration & often what feels like rejection. But, now, instead of continually stressing & struggling when things don’t work out exactly as I planned, and feeling like I’ve been rejected… I look at it as redirection. I surrender much quicker… I set the map down & I turn on my “GPS” by getting quiet & listening for the next prompt. I appreciate the work I did to get where I am, and I let go of the need to control everything moving forward. I begin to feel hopeful because I know where I am is not where I will stay.

Life is a journey, friends… an adventure full of unexpected turns & delightful characters we meet along the way. No two people have the same itinerary. When you see someone else on their travels, give them a smile & a nod, and know that even though you’re traveling different routes, you’re still connected to each other by simply traveling on this plane of existence at the same time.




The Wisdom Within


You are allowed to feel what you feel, need what you need, and desire what you desire.