If you want to fly, you have to let go of everything that’s holding you down.🦋

A few years ago I was a speaker at the World Woman Summit, in which several hundred women gathered for 2 days to hear a variety of experts in their fields talk about how women’s lives were being impacted by those areas. I spoke the first day about health & nutrition and it’s impact on women’s overall well-being.

On day 2 of the Summit, I was an audience member, sitting in the front row…

One of the women speaking was the body language expert for the Obamas. She coached them on how their body language came across to others as they went through the campaign process…

This body language expert asked for volunteers to come on stage to have their body language evaluated… I have no idea why, but my hand shot up in the air & I was picked…

I stood there in my high heels, feet together, hands clasped in front of me… very proper & demure… as I am a shy person.

She said “You’re a very loyal person.”

True. Very true.

Then she said “But, for you to reach your full potential, not everyone gets to come on the ride. Some people, they get a seat right beside you in First Class. Some people, they get to ride in Coach. But, some people, they get placed on Standby… because if they don’t pay the ticket, they don’t get to ride. They’re not allowed on the plane.”

As she said this, I felt a very visceral response… my lip started quivering, my eyes tested up, and my hands started to shake. I broke eye contact with her & looked down because I felt exposed. I knew that was a message I was meant to hear.

That evaluation of how I presented myself to the world had a big impact on me the last few years… I realized my people-pleasing nature made me put others’ feelings over what was best for me. My loyalty to others, to prove I was a “good person”, was at the cost of abandoning myself. It made me stay in situations where I was mistreated & misunderstood. It kept me from fully stepping into my purpose because I was more worried about trying to keep the peace instead of fully using my talents to make an impact.

I was the one holding down my wings… not them. I was the one letting the opinions of others determine my path… instead of trusting God within me to guide my path. I was the barrier to my success & fulfillment because I had choice as to who got my time & attention… I had been choosing them, not me.

So, took this advice & I’ve moved some people to “Coach” who used to get a “First Class” seat… and I’ve moved people to “Standby” whom I realized were not good for my mental health & wellbeing… it’s not that I love them less… it’s that I learned to love myself more.💖 The people in First Class with me today have earned those seats by respecting my boundaries & loving me for who I am… not who they think I “should” be.

Today, I love others while staying in alignment with my higher self & my Higher Power…sometimes that love is from afar.

It’s a much smoother ride. ✈️

Not everyone will be a main character throughout your entire life. (Not even family) Some are supporting characters & some only get a chapter or two... You are the author. Write your epic story, unapologetically.✍🏻

As always… let me know your thoughts


#healthy #happy #thriving #loveyourself #mentalhealth #lifecoach #healthcoach #purpose


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