Self-sabotage is misguided self-love.

Self-sabotage is simply misguided self-love

When this happens it’s because a part of us that believes we’re not worthy of (or ready for) what we want, so we sabotage as a way to protect ourselves from experiencing something a part of us believes we shouldn’t.

It’s frustrating, yes, to feel like you’re constantly sabotaging yourself, and it’s really easy to be critical of yourself in those moments, but here’s what I’ve learned…

Everything we do is for a reason.


When we self-sabotage it’s because there’s a part of us that’s scared of more, of something new… whether it’s drinking when we don’t want to, eating when we don’t want to, sabotaging relationships, mismanaging our money, etc…

Whatever it is we’re doing is simply a coping mechanism.

We learned that coping mechanism somewhere throughout our lifetime, and it may have served us well up to this point, but when you start to recognize that it’s self-sabotage & not just unconsciously believing “that’s how things are done”…

It’s actually a good thing! It’s awareness!

Awareness is the first step to change. So, don’t beat yourself up for becoming aware…


Identify the pattern you want to change.

Then, choose to do something different.

Even if what you choose to do is SLIGHTLY different, it’s still progress.

Celebrate that! 🥳

We are doing the best we’re capable of at any given moment, and that “best” changes from moment to moment. So, give yourself grace.

Making a change is not about perfectly executing something new…

It’s simply about making a new choice…

Followed by the next new choice…

Followed by the next new choice…

And so on.

Love EVERY part of you. Even those self-sabotaging parts, because once you do, you’ll start to see major shifts in yourself & your life.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” –Socrates




“I don’t have time.” - People on the verge of burnout


Hard Decisions