The Opposite of Love

The opposite of love isn’t hate…

It’s fear.

Fear is what drives hate - fear that someone or something could hurt you or take something from you. Fear is what keeps us disconnected from ourselves & others. Fear is what paralyzes is into not stepping out of our comfort zone… it keeps us playing small. Fear is what causes us emotional pain… not love.

Love requires trust. Faith that everything will be as it’s supposed to be.

Anything that instills fear isn’t from God.

(If the term God doesn’t sit well with you, then replace it with Source, Universe, Higher Power, Self, or whatever you like… it’s the life force we’re all connected by - our souls.)

As A Course In Miracles says…

Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.

Just take comfort in knowing you don’t have to struggle to control. You don’t have to stress about whatever it is you’re stressed about. You don’t have to worry. You don’t have to know the outcome to take the first step…

You can trust that you’ll be guided perfectly to the next step. Because every step you’ve taken so far has gotten you to where you are now, and you’ve not only survived… you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be… you haven’t missed a thing.

You have to let go of fear to truly experience love…

That’s not always easy to do, but it’s worth it.




Release. Trust. Receive.


“I don’t have time.” - People on the verge of burnout