We never step in the same river twice.

We never step in the same river twice.

As humans, we are forever changing & growing. We are never the same person from moment to moment. Life’s experiences mold us… even when we’re not actively working on our growth.

Sometimes the river is a slow stream, and sometimes it’s a roaring river, depending on the rain.

The same is true for us…

We’re never stagnant. When life is easy, our growth is slow, but still steady.

When it’s pouring, our growth is like a raging river… it can feel overwhelming, but just like in nature there will be ebbs & flows… there will be a point where you’ll be able to pause & catch your breath. Just keep swimming.

If it’s a rainy season in your life, just keep swimming, and know that even though it’s hard, even though you’re tired, even though it feels like you’re drowning… you’ll make it through. There will come a time where the waters recede & you’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful surroundings of your life a little bit more.

If it’s a time of stillness, know that even though you may feel stagnant, you’re not. What you do with this time of calm is up to you… you can float & enjoy the ride for a while, or you can build a dam to redirect your current… but, you’re always going to be moving downstream… the direction is up to you.

Grab an oar, friends, and trust that it’s going to be a beautiful, exhilarating ride.


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