What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There…

What got you here, won’t get you there…

The first step in making a change is awareness. Awareness requires curiosity… if we don’t question what we’re doing, we’re likely to keep doing it unconsciously. About 95% of our lives are on autopilot because of habits we’ve developed.

To come off of autopilot & spark change first requires us to ask questions…

Where did I learn this? What purpose is it serving? Is this behavior in alignment with who I want to be?

We have to question our beliefs about ourselves & the world around us…

Is this belief serving me? Who may be benefiting/profiting by me holding onto this belief? Is this actually MY belief, or is it something I was told at an early age?

Unless we want to stay stuck, we have to be open to new ideas & new concepts. We have to question the “why” behind what we do. Only from there can we make a conscious decision to do something different…

The good news is… if we learned unhealthy behaviors, we can learn new, healthier behaviors to replace them. It takes effort in the beginning, but over time, the new behaviors become old habits themselves.

That is how we change our environment. That is how we change our health. That is how we change our relationships. That's how we change our financial situation. That is how we change our life. That is how we heal.

Awakening to new possibilities, in any aspect of life, is thrilling, yet terrifying. It takes humbleness & courage… humbleness to say “I don’t know it all, but I’m willing to learn”, and courage to say “I may look like a fool, but I’m willing to try something new”.

The only thing that’s constant in this life is that nothing is constant. We have the capacity to grow & evolve, and to create a life magnificent beyond our wildest dreams.✨

Be curious. Be brave. Be expansive. 💖

Are you curious & open to new possibilities? If so, tell me how it shows up in your life. ⬇️ I’d love to know!

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The Truth Will Set You Free


Unexpressed expectations are just premeditated resentments.