Will it work for me?

“Will it work for me?”

I was speaking to a potential client the other day & they asked me this question about the services I provide…

My reply?

It wasn’t “Absolutely!” or even a “Yes.”

My answer was “Let’s try it & see… we’ll adjust along the way to find what works best for YOU.”

After working with hundreds of clients, in various modalities, over the last 8 years, the one thing I’ve learned for sure is THERE ISN’T ONE WAY TO DO ANYTHING.

Whether it’s Life Coaching, to Health Coaching, to nutrition, to training…

EVERYONE’s body & mind work differently.

In the last few years my approach has changed dramatically on how I work with clients, as I’ve learned & evolved as a Coach. The success that’s emerged with my clients from this different approach has been amazing to witness….

I don’t tell people what to do. Yes, I may make recommendations based on my education & experience in these areas, but ultimately the client is in control of the approach we take to reach their goals. I simply help them uncover the best approach for THEM.

There are several reasons for this…

1. The client takes ownership of their experience. When we outsource our power to others, we feel dependent on them, and we feel powerless to make the desired change. We are not dependent on anyone for anything. My goal as a Coach is to have them NOT work with me forever. My goal is to empower my clients to feel confident in their own capabilities, because it’s not about me… it’s about THEM. They already have the power within, it’s my job to help them uncover it, so they can fully embrace it. If they choose to continue to employ my services long-term, I happily walk beside them throughout their journey.

2. The same approach doesn’t work for everyone. We’re all wired differently, physiologically & psychologically… our bodies respond differently to different things & our different life experiences shape our lens of the world. An ophthalmologist doesn’t prescribe THEIR prescription of glasses to all of their patients… they prescribe the one that best fits their patient’s needs. I do the same with Coaching, nutrition & training.

3. Even though I’m the “expert” in these fields, I do not know what’s best for anyone else besides me. Believing we know what’s best for anyone outside of ourselves is the Ego being arrogant & delusional… I’m human, so I admit I have my moments of this (we all do, right?!), but through my own shadow work I’ve learned to identify when Ego is popping up. I can then keep my Ego in check & tune into my intuition instead… that’s what guides me to ask the right questions to help my clients uncover what’s right for them… and that’s where the magic is. ✨

There is no “right” approach to anything… the best approach for you is the one you will stick with.

CONSISTENCY OVER TIME is the what will get you to your goal. Yes, some approaches are more efficient than others, and that’s where seeking expertise in an areas can help get you there Tquicker, but ultimately YOU know what’s right for YOU… I’m just here to walk beside you, help you navigate the map, and cheer you on along your journey. 🗺

You are powerful beyond your comprehension, friends. Believe it. Embrace it. You’ve got this… WE’VE got this. 👊🏻✨😊


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