You Can Do Anything, But You Can’t Do Everything
You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.
We are more capable than we know… and more distracted than we realize.
Marianne Williamson famously wrote:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
We have the power to do anything with our lives, but instead of tapping into that power, we distract ourselves with busyness… we deny our creativity, our genius, from emerging within us by filling every second of the day.
There is no “Busiest Person Award”, yet we wear that shit like a badge of honor…
It’s not.
Sacrificing our health, our happiness… our lives, for menial tasks is not honorable. It’s not what we’re intended to do… it’s not who we’re intended to be…
We’re all designed for a purpose… and that purpose is not busyness.
We’re designed for connection - with ourselves, with each other, with the earth, and with our Source power (God).
To truly connect with our talents, our capabilities, our desires, our needs, and our power… we must first disconnect from the distractions.
Workaholism is as detrimental as alcoholism… it’s just viewed differently in our society… one is praised & one is shamed… but, at the core, they are precisely the same… it’s the same wound that drives both…
A feeling of unworthiness, of unlovability as we are, is what drives any compulsive/addicted behavior… we avoid the pain from that feeling of unworthiness by either hustling to prove our worth, or by numbing the pain…
But, neither approach solves the problem… both take away our health and lives…
To truly heal this (or any) wound, we must turn toward it…
Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Tending to wounds heals wounds.
Giving ourselves compassion, nurturing & care is how we treat these unworthiness wounds. Accepting ourselves for who we are, and where we are… letting go of our conditioning, our beliefs that we somehow earn our place in this world… deciding what is truly important, and putting our time & energy towards that will give us more fulfillment… letting go of control and finally stepping into our power…
That is healing. That is how we’re meant to live.
There is nothing & no one outside of you that can add or subtract from your value. Your worthiness & goodness is inherent. Believe it. Own it. Live it… and let it shine from within you. Your wholeness will be a guiding light for others to do the same….
What a gift to give to this world. Now THAT is purpose.✨