Recent Posts
The ramblings of my mind… sometimes insightful, sometimes funny, sometimes a shitshow, but always honest. ;)
Why Am I Not Fulfilled?
“I have a charmed life, but why am I not fulfilled/happy?”
I hear different iterations of this from clients quite frequently… especially from women.
They recognize how blessed they truly are that their needs are met & they have loved ones in their life, but for “some reason” they’re not happy or fulfilled…
Will it work for me?
“Will it work for me?”
I was speaking to a potential client the other day & they asked me this question about the services I provide…
My reply…?
It Ran In My Family Until It Ran Into Me
There is NOTHING predetermined for us.
From health, to addiction, to mental health, to weight, to abuse, to relationships, to success in life, etc, etc, etc…
Any cycle can be broken…
If you want to fly, you have to let go of everything that’s holding you down.🦋
If you want to fly, you have to let go of everything that’s weighing you down…