My hope in sharing my story is others won’t feel alone in theirs. We are all connected. Our stories have a purpose if we choose to find it.

Let’s talk openly and honestly about this magnificent & sometimes messy thing we call life… okay? :)

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The ramblings of my mind… sometimes insightful, sometimes funny, sometimes a shitshow, but always honest. ;)

Self-sabotage is misguided self-love.
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Self-sabotage is misguided self-love.

Everything we do is for a reason.


When we self-sabotage it’s because there’s a part of us that’s scared of more, of something new… whether it’s drinking when we don’t want to, eating when we don’t want to, sabotaging relationships, mismanaging our money, etc…

Whatever it is we’re doing is simply a coping mechanism.

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Hard Decisions
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Hard Decisions

Oftentimes the healthy decision is the “hard” decision.

Humans are notorious for remaining in an unhealthy familiar, as opposed to choosing a healthier new. This can be with habits & behaviors, relationships, jobs, living environments, and more…

Why is this? Why would we choose to repeat patterns that hurt us? Why would we choose relationships, jobs & environments that are unhealthy?

It’s because the familiar *feels* safe regardless if it actually is or not...

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Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain



If I had a dollar for every time I heard “I’m going to do (fill in the blank healthy eating goal)”… I‘d be a very rich person.

The reason why is because this declaration is immediately followed by “Oh, wait, I have a work function on Thursday, then I’m traveling next week, then I have a social function the following week… So, I guess I’ll do it next month. Next month will be better”

Then guess what happens…

Next month isn’t better.

Waiting to be able to do something perfectly will keep you stuck….

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Compounded efforts make a huge impact - OVER TIME.
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Compounded efforts make a huge impact - OVER TIME.

“Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, but underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.”

I’ve heard Tony Robbins say this, but the internet attributes it to Bill Gates…

Whoever said it… they’re right.

Compounded efforts make a huge impact - OVER TIME.

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Books That Changed My Life…
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Books That Changed My Life…

I grew up believing the world was against me. I believed I had very little power to determine the course of my life… I was taught there was one way to live & anyone who didn’t live that way was “bad”. I learned I was a victim & my future was predetermined.

Then, I found books. I have so many mentors who don’t know I exist, but they’ve taught me so much, and I’m forever grateful for that… their life’s work has changed my life.

Below are some of the books that have had the biggest impact on me becoming the person I am today…

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Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain


In general, Americans are eating too many Calories, but not enough nutrients. Over 60% of average American’s diet consists of ultra-processed food. These are the pre-packaged, convenience foods found in the center of the grocery store. Most of these foods advertise they are fortified with certain nutrients, or claim to be a “good source” of fiber, or “heart healthy, etc… but, the reality is, they fall significantly short in what your body needs to be healthy & thrive…

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EMS Thoughts…
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

EMS Thoughts…

A fish doesn’t know it’s swimming in water… and I didn’t know I was in a codependent/abusive relationship with my job until I was out. Being on the other side…

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The Missing Piece
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

The Missing Piece

When working with Health Coaching clients, very often they’re doing “everything right”. They’re watching what they eat, they’re exercising regularly, but they’re just not losing weight. They’re pushing & pushing & pushing… but not going anywhere.

So, I start helping them evaluate what might be causing this weight loss resistance. We go through…

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Look For Connection
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Look For Connection

Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a HUGE Chiefs fan. When they win, I’m elated. When they lose, I legit feel a pain in my soul lol…

Like everything in my life, I’ve learned to be curious as to why I feel the way I feel, why I do the things I do, why I believe the things I believe, etc.

So, I’ve thought about this a lot…

How could something I have absolutely no control over - a game played by men I don’t know, hundreds of miles away - cause me joy or sadness…?

What I realized is…

It’s connection.

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The 20-40-60 Phenomenon
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

The 20-40-60 Phenomenon

At 20 we’re worried “What will they think?” We make decisions based on how others will perceive us… from what we wear, to how our body should look, to what we drive, to what we should major in at school, etc. Image is everything as we’re establishing ourselves in the world.
At 40 the power of what “they” think lessens. We realize we’ve only got a limited time left on this earth…

At 60, we realize no one was thinking about us anyway. 😉

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The Growth Process Is A Grief Process
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

The Growth Process Is A Grief Process

There are 3 steps in the growth…

First comes awareness that something needs to change. Prior to awareness we just do what we’ve always done… because you don’t know what you don’t know.

Then comes change in behavior. This is a very action-oriented step. It takes conscious effort to do something different than your previous normal.

Finally comes letting go… this can be letting go of a previous version of yourself, or even a relationship with someone else.

I’ve always been great at step 2 because…

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A Little About Me… :)
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

A Little About Me… :)

It's my birthday! So, I thought I would introduce myself for anyone new around here…😊

I’m Stacie.👋🏻

I’m a…

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You Can’t Heal In The Environment That Made You Sick
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

You Can’t Heal In The Environment That Made You Sick

When it comes to improving health, you have to change the environment you’re living in… this goes for any type of health - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or relational health.

This doesn’t necessarily mean to have to literally leave the environment (although sometimes it does), but you do have to change the environment you’re living in.

Very often, when I first start working with clients…

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Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain


This idea was completely foreign to me when I worked in conventional medicine. The concept that trauma can cause physical symptoms, or that emotions can manifest as physical pain, was never talked about. You see…

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Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

The Truth Will Set You Free

Life will present you with people & circumstances to show you where you aren't free.

Resentment isn't about anger... it's about an unmet need of our own.

That person that triggers you is a…

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What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There…
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There…

The first step in making a change is awareness. Awareness requires curiosity… if we don’t question what we’re doing, we’re likely to keep doing it unconsciously. About 95% of our lives are on autopilot because of habits we’ve developed.
To come off of autopilot & spark change first requires us to…

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Unexpressed expectations are just premeditated resentments.
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Unexpressed expectations are just premeditated resentments.

For many years I lived in constant frustration with other people & their actions, or lack there of… I’d expect the other person to read my mind & just “know” what I wanted, how I wanted them to treat me, and what I needed from the relationship.
I’d engage in relationships with…

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Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.

Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.

These are our basic survival mechanisms. We each have different ways we cope with stress/danger. Fight is when we go towards the “danger”. Flight is when we remove ourselves or avoid it completely. Freeze is when we can’t take any action at all in times of danger. And fawn is when we cower as an attempt to appease the threat in hopes it will spare us.

I’ve realized…

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