My hope in sharing my story is others won’t feel alone in theirs. We are all connected. Our stories have a purpose if we choose to find it.

Let’s talk openly and honestly about this magnificent & sometimes messy thing we call life… okay? :)

Recent Posts

The ramblings of my mind… sometimes insightful, sometimes funny, sometimes a shitshow, but always honest. ;)

Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Your Perception Of Me Is A Reflection Of You

Recognition only happens when you’ve seen something before. If something is completely new to you (and your consciousness), you have to learn what it is, and then the next time you see it, your brain will search its database of past experiences so you recognize it as something familiar.
We are only able to recognize traits in others that we possess ourselves…

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Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain


✨Confidence isn’t a personality trait… it is a skill…

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You Can’t Hate Yourself Skinny
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

You Can’t Hate Yourself Skinny

You can’t hate yourself skinny.

I mean, I guess you can, but what’s the point of that?

The point of wanting to change your appearance is to finally love & accept yourself, right?

Well, I’ll tell you a secret…

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Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Flip A Coin

I hate making decisions… hate is a strong word, but I seriously dislike making decisions…

I used to get stuck in analysis paralysis because of my perfectionism. I was terrified of making the “wrong” decision, so I wouldn’t make any decision at all.

Having let go of perfectionism, I still don’t like to make decisions. Today it’s not so much because I’m scared…

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Me Vs Them
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Me Vs Them

Learning to fight in a healthy way takes intention, but it’s worth it.

I used to shoot daggers… not literally, of course, but figuratively with my words. When I was in conflict with someone I’d attack their character. I’d keep a running tally of everything they’d ever done to hurt me & I’d pull out that list anytime I needed more ammo. I believed it was me vs them, and my survival instinct warned me “kill or be killed”… there was no way I was going to be the one to be killed… So, I wouldn’t stop until I was the victor. Once I felt I had conquered the territory I was after, I drew a new line in the sand, creating a divide in the relationship, as an attempt to protect myself from being hurt again.

Being right was more important than being happy.

Today, I have a different perspective…

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When Gratitude Isn’t Helpful
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

When Gratitude Isn’t Helpful

I have been blessed with the gift of gratitude. I don’t think I’ve always been this way, but over the years I’ve learned to find the bright side of every situation. I truly am grateful for everything that’s happened in my life - good & bad - simply because it’s all of those experiences combined that shaped the woman I am today… and I like who I am today…

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Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

We never step in the same river twice.

We never step in the same river twice.
As humans, we are forever changing & growing. We are never the same person from moment to moment. Life’s experiences mold us… even when we’re not actively working on our growth…

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What’s Eating You Will Cause You To Eat…
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

What’s Eating You Will Cause You To Eat…

What’s eating you will cause you to eat…

Or restrict your food, or drink, or work too much, or overextend yourself, or obsess about your body, or chase the wrong people, or over-exercise, or self-sabotage, etc…

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You Can’t Solve A Thinking Problem With More Thinking
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

You Can’t Solve A Thinking Problem With More Thinking

Since it’s Mental Health Awareness month, let’s talk about anxiety…
Anxiety, for me, is that incessant chatter in my head. It’s a continuous loop of the same thoughts over & over. It causes me to be distracted, unable to sleep or relax, or unable to sit in silence… it’s exhausting. Anxiety used to plague me, constantly. It made it really hard to be productive & to enjoy life in the moment…

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Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain


“Forgiveness doesn’t change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” -Paul Boese

Forgiveness isn’t condoning what happened.

Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean they get access to you.

Forgiveness isn’t conditional.

Forgiveness isn’t transactional.

Forgiveness isn’t for them.

Forgiveness is freedom.

YOUR freedom…

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Not-so-Funtime Barbie
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Not-so-Funtime Barbie

“You know we all call you Not-so-Funtime Barbie, right?” -Information revealed to me by a drunk coworker at a party one night.

Apparently that’s what everyone called me behind my back. I had no idea until he told me.

To give some context, I was…

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Mental Health IS Health
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

Mental Health IS Health

May is Mental Health Awareness month.

Mental health IS health... you can eat the vegetables, you can drink the water, you can do the exercise... but, if you don't deal with the negative sh*t in your head you aren't healthy. Mind & body are not separate.

As a person who struggled with depression for most of her life, I can tell you that it is 100% possible to overcome it. I am living proof…

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The Prize Is The Process
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

The Prize Is The Process

Life is ours to be spent, not to be saved.

I used to live for “someday”.

“I’ll be happy when…” was a recurring thought…

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How Terrifyingly Beautiful
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

How Terrifyingly Beautiful

I’ve spent a decade optimizing my health - physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health. After a time, I realized through my healing/self-evolution journey that my relational health needed work too… as relational health is a part of overall health. So, I dedicated a lot of time & energy to seeking experts in this field, and applying what I’ve learned to my relationships…


Relationships, of every kind, are full of conflict… because we’re humans…

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When To Stay… When To Go
Stacie Mountain Stacie Mountain

When To Stay… When To Go

When to stay… and when to go.

I think this has to be one of the hardest decisions we ever have to face….

Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or an institution…

Knowing when to stick it out & when to move on to new paths is never an easy decision.

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